[door de redactie] Bijgaand Rod Lyall's en Bertus de Jong's analyse van de wedstrijd VCC1-ACC1 zondag in Voorburg. In hun Round 12-preview op TKcricket zijn ze het opnieuw eens: ACC1 gaat winnen, al kan een verrassing niet worden uitgesloten. Dat laatste geldt vast ook de WK-finale/vrouwenvoetbal Oranje-USA, die helaas al om 17.00 uur begint die dag. Tja.
Bertus de Jong: Currently in pole position thanks to a solid net run rate advantage over Excelsior, ACC head down to Westvliet to take on the beleaguered Voorburg CC whose much-anticipated return to the Topklasse hasn’t quite lived up to expectations. Despite having the look of a well-balanced side, new-ball pair Kingma and Glover still the envy of the league, Clayton Floyd quietly outperforming either and the Smit brothers bolstering the batting, VCC have yet to play to their collective ability. ACC’s performance, conversely, has outstripped even their most optimistic fans’ expectations. On paper 7th placed VCC are far from outmatched, yet they will have to step up their efforts if they are to derail ACC’s title bid.
Rod Lyall: Dismissed for the fourth time under 150 last Sunday, Voorburg continue to belie the promising start their theoretically powerful batting line-up made on the first day of the season. Nic Smit has added a good deal to their batting, but paradoxically the rest – even his brother Matt – have been even less impressive than they were before his arrival. The combination of irresponsible batting, wayward bowling and indifferent catching was fatal against Excelsior, and meeting the two co-leaders in successive weeks is a tough ask. ACC, on the other hand, just keep winning, with Brady Barends’ pace and Saqib Zulfiqar’s spin accounting for most of the wickets – 24 and 20 respectively – and runs coming from just about everyone at some stage or other. There is no doubt that Voorburg have the capability to pull off a shock here, but whether they can marshal the will to do so is another question.

Bertus de Jong’s tips: VOC, HCC, ACC, Excelsior, HBS
Rod Lyall’s tips: VOC, HCC, ACC, Excelsior, HBS